Open up your pas­sion, re­gard­less of your past re­sults!

At 22 years old I was mar­ried and be­gan my ca­reer in CA. At the time, there was a part of me that was ex­cited about how well I was fol­low­ing the path I was sup­posed to be liv­ing.

I bought my first home, my first pet, and was work­ing for a ma­jor cor­po­ra­tion, and even had a lap­top com­puter and pager. Raised in a blue-col­lar fam­ily, I felt like I was some­one spe­cial, cross­ing over into work­ing in white-col­lar Amer­ica. But even with all that, it felt like some­thing was miss­ing. Like some­thing was­n’t right. I felt this over loom­ing empti­ness in it all.

I would find out what that was later that year.

As I con­tin­ued to ex­pand my spir­i­tual walk, I came upon a speaker that would change my en­tire life. His name was Jack Boland Not only was he the lead min­is­ter at Unity or Re­nascence in War­ren MI, but he was cred­ited with build­ing the largest con­gre­ga­tion in the area at the time, by bring­ing in guests such as Aero­smithOprahDr. Wayne Dyer

Funny thing, I don’t even re­mem­ber his talk on that Sun­day morn­ing. What I do re­mem­ber is this flame ig­nit­ing in the depths of my soul and I knew with all my heart that I wanted to spend my life in­spir­ing and mo­ti­vat­ing peo­ple to live bet­ter lives. And some­how, I knew it had to be­gin with me. To date, that flame has never gone out.

I left that morn­ing know­ing what was miss­ing.

I did­n’t want to work in Cor­po­rate Amer­ica. I did­n’t have to drag my­self to a job 5 days a week. I did­n’t want to hate what I spent so much time do­ing. I did­n’t want to fol­low my con­di­tion­ing that a man gets a job, sup­ports a fam­ily, and hope­fully lives long enough to en­joy some years in re­tire­ment. I wanted to BE FREE. I wanted to help oth­ers be free. I wanted to spend my life re­ally mak­ing last­ing dif­fer­ences in peo­ple’s lives.

I spent the re­main­der of my 20’s and all of my 30” tak­ing one pro­gram af­ter an­other. Work­ing with coun­selors 1:1 and in groups. I pur­chased mul­ti­ple pro­grams all in the hopes of it “Be­ing the One” that would help me break the shack­les I was liv­ing un­der. I spent so much money work­ing with coaches, hop­ing they would open the doors I so badly de­sired to walk through. I learned a lot from all this, but it never got me to where I wanted to be.

And do­ing all this as a sec­ondary to the pay­check I was earn­ing. It is no won­der all my friends teased me about burn­ing the can­dle at all ends.

Over the next decade, I started mul­ti­ple con­struc­tion com­pa­nies, in the hopes they would feed the con­di­tion­ing I lived un­der while al­low­ing me the free­dom to do what I love. I took pro­mo­tions at the com­pa­nies I worked for or found a dif­fer­ent job, hop­ing maybe they could make me feel ful­filled enough.

I ended up strug­gling with overeat­ing and us­ing al­co­hol try­ing to “BE OK” with liv­ing “as a man should live”.

My con­di­tion­ing was so strong in keep­ing me im­pris­oned and I was­n’t even fully aware of it. So I started to try to fig­ure out how to set­tle un­til I could re­tire. I put my ef­fort into de­ter­min­ing how soon I could be­come free. I was ahead of sched­ule to re­tire at 57 years old…

Then my real down­fall be­gan…

Right at a time that I took a man­age­ment po­si­tion 4 states away from my son, a sur­prise di­vorce showed up in my life. I was wrecked. Noth­ing in my life made sense any­more. I have never felt so much pain as I did be­ing sep­a­rated from my son, with con­stant fears about how the sep­a­ra­tion from him would im­pact our re­la­tion­ship. As far as the re­tire­ment plan at 57, af­ter the di­vorce, my 401k was dwin­dled down to a cou­ple of thou­sand dol­lars…

If that was­n’t enough, shortly af­ter the di­vorce, my Dad passed away from can­cer. Af­ter a 56-year mar­riage, my Mom did­n’t want to be alive with­out her other half and a year later I found my­self an or­phan. I’d never felt so alone, scared, and un­sure of any­thing in my life. I re­mem­ber say­ing to my­self, I re­ally did my very best to live by what I was taught, and now within a cou­ple of years it’s all gone. Why??

In that ques­tion­ing mode, I re­al­ized that if all this could be taken away, why am I hold­ing onto the one thing I most wanted to get away from…

The JOB.

Right then I re­al­ized that I was let­ting the con­di­tion I was taught run my life, ver­sus my de­sires and that it was up to me to fo­cus on mak­ing my life what I wanted it to be. That lead me to iden­tify the process of how to re­place my in­come by do­ing what I love…

Shortly af­ter that awak­en­ing, the process of a whole new world opened up for me. Within months I ob­tained my 1st cer­ti­fi­ca­tion. I started of­fer­ing work­shops that brought my first 3 clients. Within 8 months, I re­signed as a VP of Sales, moved to the moun­tains of SC, and have been in­spir­ing and mo­ti­vat­ing hun­dreds of peo­ple to live bet­ter lives ever since. Oh, and my son Joey, whom I adore, we have a closer re­la­tion­ship than ever!

What­ever you de­sire to ex­pe­ri­ence in this life­time is pos­si­ble for you. If I can as­sist you in short­cut­ting the process, feel free to reach out and take ad­van­tage of my mishaps and life’s lessons along the way. What has taken me decades, hun­dreds of my clients achieve in weeks? Feel free to sched­ule an hour to bring laser fo­cus into what it is you most de­sire and get you some tools to start bridg­ing the gap from the life you are liv­ing to­day!


Many Bless­ings,


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