Welcome to Coaches Corner. I’m so excited to connect with you in this awesome month or rebirth, based on the definition of rebirth being, “starting to flourish or increase”.
What would you love to re-birth in your life this month?
What’s one thing you would love to be, do, have, give, create and experience in this month?
What would just light up your life?
As the weather begins warming and the trees begin to bloom, as the green begins appearing in plushness across lawns and fields and shrubs, this is such a powerful opportunity to discuss the “Beginner Mindset”. Within the beginner, mindset is the rebirth of the next phase of your becoming. I’m excited to take this time and open up the potential of another level of expansion, growth and ignite that passion at a deeper level with your life!
Through your life experiences you’ve learned a lot about life, right? You’ve learned some things that you absolutely love about life and you want to repeat them over and over again. You’ve also most likely learned some lessons that you would choose never ever, ever to repeat again. There are areas of your life that you have mastered and there are areas you’re presently mastering, but overall the experiences you’ve encountered in your life and your perception of those encounters are part of how you operate in your life on a daily basis.
We all have a beginner’s mindset. Allot of people shift in and out of the beginner mindset subconsciously without even realizing it. For instance, if you take a class on a subject you know nothing about, you have a different mindset than if you were involved in something that you do have experience with, right? If you can see that difference, would it be possible for you to practice, or play with expanding the areas of your life that you “already know”?
Some people live for 90 years. Other people live 1-year, 90 times and they continue to repeat the same patterns and paradigms that are no longer serving them. Those 1-year people never move towards understanding.
“The number of years we live is limited, but your life doesn’t have to be” – Joseph A Drolshagen
Let’s take this month and breakthrough that 1-year mentality into living your remaining years in passion with more purpose and empowerment. In order to do so, I want to discuss the avenue of doing so through the “Beginner mindset”.
I’ve learned to take a few moments at the start of my day to purposely place myself in the beginner’s mindset. I do this by reminding myself, “I know what worked yesterday and the day before that and the day before that. However, I have not lived this day ever before and I am open to expanding and growing from within in this brand new day to experience new awareness, new opportunities, new insights to evolve, expand and ignite my life within this very day.”
In the coaching and speaking that I do, I’ve come to realize there are two kinds of people I come across. There are those who tell me what they need to do, how they need to do it, when there need to do so and where they need to do whatever they are attempting to do.
Then there are those who come to me and state something the typically includes, “I’m stuck. I need help. How”. And I’ve learned these are the people I can best serve. Even in my coaching calls, I have to sometimes remind my clients that they are associating with “what they know”, not what they can gain.
If you believe the purpose of our life is to continue to grow, expand and create, as I do, then as much as we lock ourselves into what we know, the smaller the chance of being open to what we can learn.
Have you ever read a book and sometime later re-read it and it seems like part of it has been rewritten? The reason for this experience is because you are not the same person you were when you read the book the first time. You’ve learned new things. You’ve experienced new experiences in that time between reading the book. Yet so many people hang on insights they had months, years and decades ago. It’s such a limiting mindset.
The beginner mindset isn’t automatic and doesn’t always come naturally. Just take a minute and think about when you hear information. Do you process it by relating it to what you already know or do you hear it as the potential to grow what you already know? Your answer to this experiment will come to you and there is no judgment whichever your answer is. BUT there is more expansion available to you if you can get into that place of being open to expand what you already know.
Let’s start a conversation. Leave a comment stating what you do to maintain a Beginner Mindset?
Article written for Coaches Corner, The Magic Happens Magazine, April 2020 Edition