Live Boldly

OK, so I’ll come right out and ad­mit that we en­coun­tered a few snags in shift­ing every­thing to “The Pas­sion Lived Life” and I apol­o­gize for the ghost­ing over the past cou­ple of months…

But I’m happy to share that we are back in high gear and so ex­cited to bring in­spi­ra­tion and mo­ti­va­tion back to your every­day life! And I have some in­cred­i­ble things to share with you, as a way for you to step deeper into cre­at­ing the life you ab­solutely love!

But be­fore I open those sur­prises, I re­cently did a study on the top 3 things that get in peo­ple’s way, which pre­vents them from achiev­ing the things most im­por­tant to them. I wanted to share this list with you, along with some things you can do, in case one of these hits close to home for you, to make shifts into over­com­ing ob­sta­cles in your own per­sonal life.

Sound good?

We’ll start with num­ber five and work our way to num­ber one, based on the per­cent­age of peo­ple’s re­sponses.

Start­ing with num­ber three; Past Re­sults

Liv­ing life can ul­ti­mately be bro­ken down into 2 cat­e­gories.

  • Liv­ing like the Masses

  • Liv­ing like the 2% of the wealth­i­est peo­ple in the world.

In de­cid­ing to cre­ate some­thing new in life, liv­ing like the masses takes things into ac­count like where you grew up, your ed­u­ca­tion, your bank ac­count, and your PAST RE­SULTS. Some­one liv­ing in the Masses Mode tends to start “at what’s pos­si­ble for them” by look­ing at the out­comes of things they’ve at­tempted in the past be­fore they are even worth get­ting ex­cited about things.

What hap­pens to most peo­ple liv­ing this way is even when they take on some­thing new, they come out of the gate weighed down with fears, and a ques­tion­ing of the po­ten­tial for doom and gloom. The whole idea lacks ex­cite­ment and pos­i­tive emo­tion, which makes it more dif­fi­cult to take ef­fort into bring­ing life to what­ever it is they want to cre­ate.

This is such a hard way to live life!

The other op­tion is to live like the 2% of the wealth­i­est peo­ple live (when I say ‘wealth­i­est’ I’m re­fer­ring to peo­ple who live with abun­dance, health, re­la­tion­ships, time, and money free­dom. Not just fi­nan­cially). These peo­ple live based on a vi­sion of what they de­sire. They typ­i­cally have no idea how it will come to fruition, but con­tinue step­ping into a mighty vi­sion.

From here, they ex­pe­ri­ence things show­ing up eas­ier that lead them more into their vi­sion. It’s eas­ier (which is why it seems some peo­ple put in a small ef­fort and reap huge re­sults for their ef­forts). They live more ex­cited about their de­sires, which leads to tak­ing bolder steps into their de­sires and ul­ti­mately re­ceive their de­sire in a shorter pe­riod of time than those liv­ing like the masses.

If the masses liv­ing res­onates with you, one thing you can do is pull out a pad of pa­per, pen and start writ­ing. Get de­tailed enough that you can see your­self liv­ing that life of what­ever it is you de­sire to cre­ate and keep writ­ing un­til you lit­er­ally see your­self liv­ing that life.

Then con­tinue to get into that vi­sion on a reg­u­lar ba­sis and get your­self into that place of be­ing the per­son of that vi­sion. By do­ing so, you will be­gin to see ac­tions, op­por­tu­ni­ties, and di­rec­tion shows up that will lead you in that di­rec­tion!


Num­ber two; What Oth­ers Think

Con­sider this… some­one like my­self, raised in the con­di­tion­ing of a blue-col­lar fam­ily out­side De­troit Michi­gan. I was taught a man “gets a job, sup­ports a fam­ily, and hope­fully lives long enough to en­joy some years in re­tire­ment”.

Now how do you think it went when I share my de­sire to spend my life in­spir­ing peo­ple to live bet­ter lives with my fam­ily and even my friends?

Not well

My par­ents and even friends could­n’t un­der­stand what they called a “pipedream” and I was even ac­cused of liv­ing with my head in the clouds, among other things.

It took me a bit, but I re­al­ized the im­por­tance of gain­ing sup­port, not so much from the peo­ple who gave me my con­di­tion­ing, as much as from peo­ple do­ing what I wanted to do.

If you strug­gle with fam­ily/friend sup­port in your de­sires, maybe un­der­stand they don’t know how to sup­port you, and in­stead, go find some­one that’s taken the leap and build your part­ners in be­liev­ing with like-minded peo­ple.

Does­n’t change the love, just the fo­cus!


And for the BIG ONE!

drum roll, please…

The num­ber one rea­son peo­ple don’t achieve what they truly de­sire is…


Fear robs more dreams and de­sires than any other sin­gle emo­tion.

Want to test this… How many peo­ple do you know that have a de­sire but never take a step into it be­cause they are afraid of fail­ing? Maybe you have ex­pe­ri­enced this your­self. God knows I have!

There were years in my life I would build the courage to step out into the works I do to­day and I’d hit that wall of fear. I thought I was do­ing some­thing wrong. I would go back to the start­ing gate and wait un­til I built the courage to try again. I must have spent a dozen at­tempts in this cy­cle.

Then I started to learn and re­al­ize fear was­n’t telling me I could­n’t. just that I had­n’t done so yet.

If fear is stop­ping you, please un­der­stand that fear is just let­ting you know your step­ping out­side of your com­fort zone. The big­ger the step you take the more fear is go­ing to be as­so­ci­ated. Fear will al­ways be the great­est just be­fore the step­ping-off point. But that when the real soar­ing be­gins!

You can have fear with­out fear hav­ing you. One of the best ways I’ve found to counter fear is to take a step (re­gard­less of how small/big the step is) into your fear and by do­ing so, you will re­al­ize the amaze­ment of liv­ing a bold life, out­side your com­fort zone!


I hope this was ben­e­fi­cial to you. If it was, please feel free to share.

And now, I’ve made a quick list of ways I serve in as­sist­ing peo­ple to live bet­ter lives. If any of these in­ter­est you, feel free to sign up!

  • Free E-book down­load, ‘3 Sim­ple Steps To Ab­solutely Love Your Life’

  • Caught in a strug­gle go­ing on that you’d like to get some in­put on? Sched­ule a block of time for us to jump on a call and get you mov­ing for­ward.


Many Bless­ings,

Joey Drol­sha­gen

Are You Ready To Maximize Your Potential?

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