Claim 2021 To Be YOUR Year!

Happy be­lated New Year every­one! For a lot of peo­ple, 2020 has been a life-al­ter­ing year, full of un­fore­seen chal­lenges… and, if you are any­thing like me, you have been think­ing a lot about the po­ten­tial and pos­si­bil­i­ties for 2021 to be a year of re­gen­er­a­tion and trans­for­ma­tion.

Think about this for a minute… If there were a pos­si­bil­ity that 2020 was in­tended to strengthen you, to build a foun­da­tion to launch you into achiev­ing your great­est vi­sions, goals, and dreams, would you be­lieve it?

(Note: You can listen to the audio version of this article, look further down.)

Life is al­ways hap­pen­ing for us, not to us, even through the hard times. When we learn to see how we have been strength­ened by our tri­als and tribu­la­tions, rather than look­ing at how we’ve been torn down, we can be­gin to trans­form our lives be­ing eas­ier and more ful­fill­ing.

If you’ve been liv­ing with a burn­ing de­sire on what you want to be, do, have, ex­pe­ri­ence, and you’re un­sure how to ac­cess it and un­leash your po­ten­tial, I’m so ex­cited you’re read­ing this ar­ti­cle!

Whether you are;
In a job, you can’t stand
De­sire to fully step into en­tre­pre­neur­ship and leave the em­ployee sta­tus be­hind
Write that book you’ve been putting off (for years…)
Shed those ex­tra pounds and live with more vi­brancy
Ready to ex­pe­ri­ence that Great Love or im­prove your cur­rent re­la­tion­ship
Put an end to fi­nan­cial strug­gle once and for all…

It all starts with a de­ci­sion that 2021 is your year! Your year to take that step, make the shifts, and take the ac­tions that will open up your great­est de­sires. I want to en­cour­age you that YOU CAN ex­pe­ri­ence your great­est vi­sion and bring your dreams and de­sires come to life!

And I want to do more than en­cour­age you. I want to as­sist you, sup­port you, and guide you into “Find­ing Your Pur­pose… And Liv­ing It With Pas­sion!” That’s why I’m re­leas­ing “Coaches Cor­ner” col­umn for the birth of “The Pas­sion Lived Life!”

In align­ment with that, get­ting back to my core mis­sion; to in­spire, mo­ti­vate, and lead peo­ple to live bet­ter lives, through find­ing their pur­pose and liv­ing it with pas­sion!

“If you know what you want,

I can help you get it…

As im­por­tant,

If you don’t know what your pur­pose is,

I can help you find it…

And ei­ther way, Live it with Pas­sion!”


Ul­ti­mately, our mis­sion at IFGT is to serve, and we have mul­ti­ple chan­nels for as­sist­ing you in mak­ing sure you get the most out of 2021! So I wanted to per­son­ally make sure you have ac­cess to me, along with the var­i­ous av­enues we of­fer, to as­sist you in launch­ing your life!

FREE and low-cost Work­shops, We­bi­nars, Mas­ter­classes, and Work­books… all geared to as­sist you in find­ing your pur­pose and bring­ing it to life.

You can reg­is­ter to re­ceive your free monthly newslet­ter so that you stay in “The Know” on all up­com­ing events at, josephadrol­sha­­ter­signup

You can also find me on So­cial Me­dia @Joseph Drol­sha­gen through Face­book, LinkedIn, In­sta­gram, and YouTube for in­spi­ra­tional and mo­ti­va­tional posts along with live feeds to as­sist in bring­ing clar­ity on a whole ar­ray of sub­jects, all lead­ing to liv­ing a bet­ter life.

For im­me­di­ate ac­cess to me, email me at Joseph@IFGT­

Or, if you are ready to spark a more in-depth con­ver­sa­tion, you can sched­ule a com­pli­men­tary tele­phone call with me at,­with­

To gain ac­cess to tons of ex­tra mo­ti­va­tion, and un­lock tools to as­sist you in your jour­ney, join the pri­vate Ig­nite Suc­cess In­sti­tute Face­book Group at https://www.face­­nite%20­suc­cess%20in­sti­tute

And of course, there is al­ways the web­site, JosephADrol­sha­ (soon to be up­graded to TheP­as­sion­


If you’ve made the de­ci­sion that 2021 will be the year YOUR life fi­nally launches, I am here to help you in what­ever way you need as­sis­tance. I will be here to sup­port you, help in­crease your mo­ti­va­tion, and guide you to take bold ac­tions into achiev­ing your goals, while you open up liv­ing your great­est life pos­si­ble.

All you have to do is reach out.
God Bless,


Are You Ready To Maximize Your Potential?

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