Blessing Lifting

Hope you’re all en­joy­ing sum­mer! Sure is a hot one!! This is one of the awe­some places I get to hang out at to re­fresh, recharge and re­ju­ve­nate!!

How about if we start this mon­th’s col­umn as a “ques­tion and an­swer” for­mat? At least the ques­tion part any­way (lol).

Are you liv­ing the life that you ab­solutely love? In all ar­eas? Love and re­la­tion­ships? Health and Well-be­ing? Your life’s work? How about Time and Money free­dom?

If not, do you know why? It would re­ally help to dig deeper than the sur­face of your con­di­tion, cir­cum­stances or your pre­sent sit­u­a­tion to an­swer that last ques­tion. The rea­son I say that is be­cause our life is never re­ally about our sit­u­a­tion or cur­rent cir­cum­stances.

I’ve been coach­ing in­di­vid­u­als, groups in per­sonal and cor­po­rate pro­grams all geared to­ward as­sist­ing peo­ple to take back their power and ap­ply it to their lives so that they can re­ally, re­ally love the life they are liv­ing. Hell, my whole life is ded­i­cated to the state­ment ‘Life is Meant to be Lived in Pas­sion’. Ded­i­cated within my own walk first and now over the past 20 some years as­sist­ing oth­ers in lov­ing the life they are liv­ing, re­gard­less of any­one or any­thing!!

In keep­ing with of­fer­ing tools to as­sist in up­lift­ing life, I have found con­tin­u­ously the higher my level of grat­i­tude and the more I’m able to speak bless­ings into as many mo­ment of my life as pos­si­ble, the greater the joy I re­ceive in my cur­rent sit­u­a­tion which equates to quicker move­ment into the life I ab­solutely love liv­ing to­day!

So, here’s the tool:

Speak bless­ings into your life every day.

For me, I set an alarm on my phone, which goes off four times a day and sim­ply states, “Bless this mo­ment with Praise and Grat­i­tude”. This has been one of the in­stru­men­tal tools in as­sist­ing me in ris­ing above cur­rent life and rais­ing my vi­bra­tion to a level that al­lows change to openly flow into my life at a faster pace than any other sin­gle tool I’ve uti­lized to date.

Now at first, this was­n’t easy and I felt very un­com­fort­able, even when I was alone, but, like any­thing else wor­thy of my ef­forts, as I con­tin­ued to prac­tice this four times a day I be­came more com­fort­able with do­ing so and I could go about it at deeper and deeper lev­els. It’s eas­ier to ex­pe­ri­ence than to un­der­stand

If I’m alone wher­ever I am what­ever I’m dong I pause for a mo­ment and give sin­cere praise and grat­i­tude and not only does my at­ti­tude change in­stantly, but I am more open to see­ing my vi­sion of that en­tire life I love more vivid and ex­pan­sive.

This is one of the many tools I get to share with my clients in dis­cov­ery and mov­ing into liv­ing a life of Pas­sion! A Vi­sion Dri­ven Life! I’d love to re­ceive your com­ments and if there are any ques­tions/com­ments, please post them. I’m hop­ing to in­cor­po­rate a por­tion of my col­umn to re­spond­ing to ques­tions/com­ments to as­sist you any way I can!


Coach Joseph

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