Adventure List

Hello All! I hope you’re en­joy­ing an awe­some sum­mer and are hav­ing a chance to re­ally be one with na­ture in what­ever way you choose! Based on where we are in the sea­son of sum­mer and as the nights are start­ing to come a bit sooner, along with some cooler weather, I thought it would be fun to dis­cuss an ‘Ad­ven­ture List’.

And I had the op­por­tu­nity to visit the above, awe­some trout stream with this beau­ti­ful hu­man be­ing, my son, that I adore!

I worked for a CEO who used to tell me, ‘Joe, make sure your al­ways plan­ning for an ad­ven­ture’.

And that’s what I wanted to ded­i­cate this col­umn to. Not just to put to­gether a wish list for the re­main­der of the sea­son, but to come up I with one lofty goal on some­thing you would LOVE to do, be, have, give or share this sum­mer! To de­ter­mine what the event, sit­u­a­tion or sit­u­a­tion looks like and to (and here’s the tricky part) AL­LOW it to un­fold. I. The de­ter­min­ing phase, it’s im­por­tant not to fo­cus on the “how” it’s go­ing to hap­pen and to re­ally just al­low your imag­i­na­tion ru wild on the most ex­cit­ing dream that you would love to un­fold. I per­son­ally know this is pos­si­ble and I work within these pa­ra­me­ters on a daily ba­sis and have count­less clients that also live in this “what would I love” men­tal­ity. And I know you can do this to and in do­ing so, will ex­pe­ri­ence a way of liv­ing that is much eas­ier and more fun.

And my hope is to cre­ate a shar­ing cy­cle with each other on the ideas that come about, how things un­folded and what the ex­pe­ri­ence was like as it un­folded!

Up un­til now, I haven’t re­ceived much feed­back from Coaches Cor­ner. Good or bad and I’m open to both, al­though al­ways ap­pre­ci­ate it more to hear how my writ­ing af­fects you, the reader!

Also, for any­one who takes me up on this chal­lenge, I would like to of­fer you a gift that you will love! I try to keep some open­ings in my sched­ule to of­fer Strat­egy Ses­sions. Typ­i­cally, these ses­sions cost $250.00. For this month, I would like to com­pli­ment you, my reader, with a Strat­egy Ses­sion com­pli­men­tary. Free of charge! This ses­sion is a 45 minute con­ver­sa­tion where we get laser fo­cus on your dreams, your vi­sions and your life.
All you have to do is reach out to me at IFGT­coach­ and say “I’M IN” in the sub­ject line.

I’m look­ing for­ward to your com­ments and feed­back and hope you have a blessed day!!


Joseph A. Drol­sha­gen

Are You Ready To Maximize Your Potential?

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