
Stop play­ing small and open the flood­gates of abun­dance in all ar­eas of your life. Wel­come to May! Hope­fully we are past the bit­ter cold and head­ing to­wards greener times! And per­fect tim­ing for us to move this ex­per­i­ment into ac­cel­er­a­tion mode!

So, just a mo­ment of re­cap. For those of you in­volved in the Face­book group The­Hap­pi­nes­s­Ex­per­i­ment, you have used the month of Jan­u­ary notic­ing what you’re notic­ing and see­ing how your think­ing is shap­ing your cur­rent re­sults, along with some tools to pur­posely choose the thoughts you want to ex­pe­ri­ence. Feb­ru­ary was tak­ing a step into al­ter­ing some of those non serv­ing thoughts that prior, seemed to run our life. March was com­mit­ted to for­give­ness in all ar­eas of your life. April was ded­i­cated to self-love. We ex­plored av­enues to open up and in­crease how you treat your­self as a start­ing point to how you treat the out­side world! Now that you have a clear un­der­stand­ing of how to shut down that de­bat­ing so­ci­ety re­sid­ing in your head, you can start plac­ing thoughts that serve you in ex­pe­ri­enc­ing things in your life that you love! My per­sonal men­tor Mary Mor­ris­sey says: “Un­der­stand­ing our pat­terns is the first step to­ward liv­ing the life for which we are in­tended.” That’s what this month is all about.

Cre­at­ing the re­sults you want again and again in your life.

You won’t want to miss the ex­er­cises in the Face­book group, The­Hap­pi­nes­s­Ex­per­i­ment this month. There will be some awe­some tools to help you open the door to the things you re­ally want in your life. Whether it be you’re in your health and well­be­ing, your re­la­tion­ships, your vo­ca­tion or your time and money free­dom. Part of the em­pha­sis in this ex­per­i­ment is to help you re­al­ize, your en­tire life is lim­ited only by your own think­ing. What’s the dif­fer­ence be­tween ask­ing for $1 ver­sus ask­ing for $1,000,000? YOUR THINK­ING!

So, for May it’s time to start ex­pand­ing your thoughts about “what you would love” to be, do, have, give, cre­ate and ex­pe­ri­ence.

Here’s the other thing I come across quite of­ten. Peo­ple are will­ing to spend so much time try­ing to solve their con­di­tions, cir­cum­stances and sit­u­a­tions. An av­er­age per­son spends roughly 75% of their life try­ing to over­come their “prob­lems.” And most peo­ple would say that makes sense. But for the hap­pi­ness ex­per­i­ment to truly be suc­cess­ful in your life, it has to bring about more hap­pi­ness re­gard­less of your sit­u­a­tion, cir­cum­stance or con­di­tion. To re­al­ize change in our out­side en­vi­ron­ment be­fore we al­low our­selves to feel hap­pier is how most of us live our every­day life presently!

We all live in abun­dance. Some are ex­pe­ri­enc­ing abun­dance of strug­gle, lack, un­hap­pi­ness and the like. Oth­ers are ex­pe­ri­enc­ing abun­dance of so­lu­tions, wealth and hap­pi­ness. The dif­fer­ence be­tween these peo­ple is their fo­cus. So, one lit­tle tool I want to share with you is to spend some time re­open­ing your imag­i­na­tion. Take some time and set down be­ing a ma­ture adult and get back into that child­like imag­i­na­tion, where any­thing is pos­si­ble. Al­low your­self some free­dom from the every­day life and re­ally play with the idea, “if there were no lim­i­ta­tions placed on you, how would your life look dif­fer­ent?”

I promised a spe­cial gift this month for every­one, which you will find on The­Hap­pi­nes­s­Ex­per­i­ment Face­book group! If you haven’t al­ready joined the group, click on The­Hap­pi­nes­s­Ex­per­i­ment and click on JOIN. You’ll be able to go back through the past months and in­crease your level of hap­pi­ness in your every­day life, re­gard­less of your cur­rent sit­u­a­tion, the cir­cum­stances you find your­self in or the con­di­tions sur­round­ing you!

Have a blessed month and keep rais­ing and shar­ing your hap­pi­ness!!

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