
Wel­come to Coaches Cor­ner! Sum­mer is here and with per­fect tim­ing! This is the last month of The Hap­pi­ness Ex­per­i­ment. I’m so ex­cited about all the feed­back I’ve re­ceived, about the im­pact of the pro­gram!

Both the pos­i­tive, as well as the awe­some in­put about po­ten­tial im­prove­ments. I feel ex­tremely grate­ful for what we have built here to­gether and I’m so ex­cited to con­tinue re­ceiv­ing your feed­back for The­Hap­pi­nes­s­Ex­per­i­ment, as well as other sub­ject mat­ters that you would like to see in­cluded in Coaches Cor­ner col­umn for the months to come. Just reach out to me at Joseph@IFGT­ All along, this jour­ney has been for those bold enough to “ask big­ger ques­tions” and those brave enough to “en­ter into an ex­per­i­ment” with them­selves in in­creas­ing their level of hap­pi­ness and ful­fill­ment be­yond any­thing they’ve ex­pe­ri­enced up un­til now. And you have been giv­ing this one time chance to do so com­pletely free of charge! The only thing I asked for is your feed­back upon com­ple­tion of the pro­gram. So for the BRAVE, the BOLD, The One’s who are un­will­ing to ac­cept that life can’t be any bet­ter, I’m so ex­cited to have met you and to as­sist you to LOVE YOUR LIFE! To wrap up this six month ex­per­i­ment, I could­n’t fig­ure a bet­ter con­clu­sion than com­ing up with a vi­sion for a new be­gin­ning go­ing for­ward into your hap­pi­ness. De­vel­op­ing an amaz­ing vi­sion for the live you would love to live. Truly Brave Think­ing!

See, I’ve learned there are ul­ti­mately two choices avail­able for us in any­thing and every­thing we will ever come up against in life. The choice to be led by your cir­cum­stances, sit­u­a­tions and con­di­tions, which I re­fer to as a SIT­U­A­TIONAL LIFE. This in­cludes vic­tim­hood and “life hap­pen­ing to me” men­tal­ity. These are the folks that are a lot of time on anx­i­ety med­ica­tion, are up and down de­pend­ing on what­ever sit­u­a­tion they are fac­ing. A lot of time, these are peo­ple who overeat, gam­ble be­yond the “fun of it.” At times, a per­son of this type ex­pe­ri­ence de­pres­sion or even panic at­tacks.

If the above is push­ing but­tons for you, then you most likely liv­ing in this sit­u­a­tional mode in your life. The good news is that you don’t have to any longer. In the work I do, I have end­less clients that have re­duced or com­pletely come off of their anx­i­ety med­ica­tions. I’ve had clients tell be they greatly re­duced or elim­i­nated panic at­tacks based on the in­for­ma­tion I’m shar­ing with you through The­Hap­pi­nes­s­Ex­per­i­ment. I know what I do changes peo­ples life. The bad news is that only you can do some­thing to change your life. No­body can do it for you!

I don’t mean to rant here, but my per­sonal pas­sion is to im­pact as many peo­ple as I can, to treat their life’s hap­pi­ness and well-be­ing the same ur­gency they would have if they broke their arm. For you to reach out, in what­ever di­rec­tion best suits you and your life and start in­vest­ing in your­self and your life!

The sec­ond choice, is to build a strong vi­sion for your life can be and to live through that vi­sion, which is a much higher vi­bra­tion that where the cir­cum­stances and sit­u­a­tions of every­day life ex­ist. To re­ally step into a VI­SION DRI­VEN LIFE. This is the place were one knows the dis­con­nect be­tween their cir­cum­stances and them­selves. They can have some­thing pop up through­out their day and not ruin the day. These are the real lead­ers, mo­ti­va­tors and shak­ers of our time. And even through these peo­ple can seem so few, we each have the same ca­pa­bil­ity within us. And on top of that, the process can be ex­hil­a­rat­ing, ex­cit­ing and en­joy­able!

This is an area I am very pas­sion­ate about and I love help­ing in­di­vid­u­als and groups es­tab­lish a strong vi­brant vi­sion to live by. I help peo­ple, or­ga­ni­za­tions and groups both per­son­ally as well as pro­fes­sion­ally to build ex­pan­sive, dy­namic vi­sion for their life, busi­ness or or­ga­ni­za­tion.

Liv­ing a vi­sion dri­ven life can sound like work. But it’s ac­tu­ally a much eas­ier and more sat­is­fy­ing way to live. It holds the avail­abil­ity for your great­ness to be, do, have, give and cre­ate the life that you would ab­solutely love to live. The other thing to note here is that a vi­sion dri­ven life af­fords you the op­por­tu­nity to truly life from your au­then­tic self. In all ar­eas of your life! On The­Hap­pi­nes­s­Ex­per­i­ment Face­book page, there will be tools to as­sist you in build­ing a vi­sion for your life that will amaze you! But for the pur­poses of this ar­ti­cle, please re­mem­ber from prior months, the more you prac­tice com­ing from your truths, ver­sus the facts sur­round­ing you, the more power you will have to dis­as­so­ci­ate your­self from the prob­lem and be able to deal with it from your higher vi­bra­tion. Re­mem­ber, the stronger your vi­sion is for your life, the more power you have in bring­ing that awe­some life to fruition. This is my spe­cialty and I al­ways love dis­cus­sions per­tain­ing to this area of life.

So, if you’re ready to quit liv­ing by your sit­u­a­tions, your cir­cum­stances and your pre­sent con­di­tions, reach out to me. Let’s set up and con­sul­ta­tion call and get some laser fo­cus into that great vi­sion for you!

I look for­ward to your con­tin­ued sup­port, feed­back, emails and com­ments!! Con­grat­u­la­tions on say­ing YES to YOU!



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