Prosperity Is All About Alignment

I’ve spent over 3 decades study­ing, learn­ing and teach­ing about abun­dance and pros­per­ity. My whole life is ded­i­cated to as­sist­ing in­di­vid­u­als and groups in­crease the level of pros­per­ity they ex­pe­ri­ence in their lives through be­ing aware of and in­creas­ing their level of con­scious­ness and to truly live the life they love!

My com­pany slo­gan is, Life is in­tended to be lived with Pas­sion! And I be­lieve that with all my heart and soul.

I am for­tu­nate to have the op­por­tu­nity to work with in­di­vid­u­als, groups and or­ga­ni­za­tions across the World and as­sist them in achiev­ing dy­namic trans­for­ma­tion in all ar­eas of their per­sonal and pro­fes­sional lives.

So it ap­pears in prepar­ing for July, I’m re­ceiv­ing mul­ti­ple mes­sage that I have the priv­i­lege of dis­cussing pros­per­ity!

Ac­cord­ing to google, “Pros­per­ity is the state of flour­ish­ing, thriv­ing, good for­tune or suc­cess­ful so­cial sta­tus. Pros­per­ity of­ten en­com­passes wealth but also in­cludes other fac­tors which can be in­de­pen­dent of wealth to vary­ing de­grees, such as hap­pi­ness and health.”

This sub­ject of Pros­per­ity and Abun­dance is one of my ab­solute fa­vorite sub­jects and has been the main area of my fo­cus for over 3 decades. And I’ve al­ways con­nected with the way it’s stated in Unity prin­ci­pal 3, which states, “I cre­ate my ex­pe­ri­ences by what I choose to think. By what I choose to feel and be­lieve.”

The most pros­per­ous peo­ple I’ve met are peo­ple that have tapped into their God given unique gifts and are fo­cused on bring­ing those out into the world.  They are do­ing what they came here to do!

My own per­sonal be­lief is that God ex­pe­ri­ences the hu­man con­di­tion through how each of us lives our life. We choose to ex­pe­ri­ence abun­dance and pros­per­ity in all ar­eas of life, health and well-be­ing, love and re­la­tion­ships, vo­ca­tion and time and money free­dom


We are choos­ing to ex­pe­ri­ence lack, de­pres­sion, vic­tim and less than. We make choices every day that de­ter­mine which we ex­pe­ri­ence.  From what I see, most peo­ple live some­where in be­tween the two sides. Some­where in that “good enough” space. Not ex­actly set­tling, but not re­ally reach­ing the max­i­mum ei­ther. Have you heard the phrase, “good is the en­emy to best” That’s the place I’m re­fer­ring to.

Where we put our at­ten­tion is where we are plac­ing our in­ten­tion. Fo­cus­ing on lim­i­ta­tions cre­ates more lim­ited out­comes. Fo­cus­ing on ex­pan­sion and pros­per­ity, cre­ates more of the same.  Eric But­ter­worth said, “We don’t change what we are, we change what we think what we are.”

My in­ten­tion to­day is to show you how to use your thoughts to bring about even more pros­per­ity in your life. Pros­per­ity in your fam­ily, your church and your com­mu­nity.

Pros­per­ity in any area of life runs par­al­lel to com­ing from one’s au­then­tic self. As you fo­cus on liv­ing more from your true self, com­pared to liv­ing from masks that we wear, the more pros­per­ity you be­come aligned with nat­u­rally. It is­n’t about work­ing into pros­per­ity. It’s about com­ing from a place of pros­per­ity. And com­ing from pros­per­ity is achieved by con­nect­ing with one’s in­ner spir­i­tual self. That’s what re­ally ig­nites one into align­ment with pros­per­ity and abun­dance. I have found, the level of pros­per­ity one ex­pe­ri­ences is di­rectly tied to their think­ing.

Wal­lace Wat­tles said: “Think­ing is the hard­est work in the world, that’s why most peo­ple don’t do it.”

Let me ask you, How many hours do you spend fo­cus­ing, wor­ried &/or stressed about your per­ceived prob­lems ver­sus fo­cus­ing on your great­est vi­sion of pros­per­ity? Ein­stein has a fa­mous quote, “No prob­lem can be solved from the same level of con­scious­ness that cre­ated it.”

Ask­ing small ques­tions, liv­ing with com­mon hour think­ing keeps us liv­ing small. Most peo­ple live their life by the cir­cum­stances and sit­u­a­tions sur­round­ing them. They live con­di­tional dri­ven lives based on the con­di­tions they come up against. Pros­per­ity by na­ture is about liv­ing in ex­pan­sion. Liv­ing a VI­SION DRI­VEN LIFE. In or­der to truly ex­pe­ri­ence Pros­per­ity we have to un­der­stand how our think­ing keeps us blocked from pros­per­ity in or­der to un­der­stand the steps to move into abun­dance.

Pros­per­ity starts with liv­ing from your au­then­tic self, which is quite dif­fer­ent from liv­ing through judg­men­tal neg­a­tive self-talk and think­ing. Par­a­digms are sim­ply ha­bit­ual ways of think­ing and be­liev­ing. Par­a­digms will di­rectly de­ter­mine the amount of pros­per­ity some­one ex­pe­ri­ences. Ralph Waldo Emer­son said, “Stand guard at the por­tal of your mind”. For in­stance, I grew up be­liev­ing “money does­n’t grow on trees.” That was my truth and how I lived for many years. My ex­pe­ri­ences matched that per­fectly.

To­day, my money story is: “There is so much abun­dance of money in the world, every­one could have more than they could ever uti­lize and there would still be an end­less sup­ply re­main­ing. Money lit­er­ally grows on trees!”

In my book, ‘Lifes-lessons’ I ex­plain how my life started to change once I ap­plied the fol­low­ing phi­los­o­phy to my life.  Af­ter a life of many strug­gles and at my break­ing point, I came up with this pro­found way of view­ing life. This whole process came about when be­ing a “vic­tim” brought me to my ab­solute bot­tom in life,

“If I take all judge­ment out of the sit­u­a­tions and cir­cum­stances that ap­pear in my life.

SO there is

No good/bad

No right/wrong,

No fair/un­fair

And if I come about life as “Life hap­pens for me and not to me, I started ask­ing the ques­tion, “why is this hap­pen­ing in my life?”

As­tound­ing and amaz­ing things be­gan to oc­cur for me.

As you go through this month, en­joy­ing every­thing July has to of­fer, re­mem­ber that you have a power breath­ing you is far more pow­er­ful than any cir­cum­stance you will ever face. That you have the ca­pa­bil­ity of cre­at­ing any level of pros­per­ity you de­sire.  I be­lieve in you and I’m here to as­sist and sup­port you in Lov­ing Your Life! For those of you that want to take this in­for­ma­tion and im­ple­ment it into your life, I have a spe­cial gift for you that you are go­ing to love. Please leave a com­ment or reach out to me at Joseph@IFGT­

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